Post-COVID-19 Rehabilitation

The Post COVID-19 Rehabilitation is a process of helping you get your life back.

As a Physical Rehabilitation, we offer treatment for patients who are recovering from COVID-19 to help them through the physical challenges that can occur from the virus and get them back to the life they knew.

After COVID-19 recovers, many patients may experience a variety of physical complications that can persist for months or even years. These include impairments in muscle strength, heart and lung capacity, pain, balance, endurance, and walking ability leading to a loss of function and independence.

How we can help with post-COVID-19 rehabilitation?

How we can help with post-COVID-19 rehabilitation?

Our therapists are trained to be able to assess and evaluate a patient’s progress in order to create an individualized rehabilitation plan.

For post-COVID-19 rehabilitation, your treatment can include:

  • Exercise Training – strengthening breathing muscles, upper and lower body strengthening and functional activity simulation
  • Manual Therapy – torso and chest wall mobility and diaphragm stretching / release
  • Breathing control / retraining

Why choose Physio Prolife for Post-COVID-19 Rehabilitation?

When you come to our physical rehabilitation centre in Skudai near Johor Bahru, you will have the opportunity to speak with our physiotherapist who will help assess your condition and provide rehabilitation options.

Our physiotherapists are trained professionals that provide physical therapy for patients suffering from breathing problems. They work closely with their colleagues to develop an individualized rehabilitation plan for each patient based on their needs and abilities.

We understand that it can be difficult for some people to get out of their homes, so we offer home physiotherapy services around Skudai in Johor Bahru to help them. All you need to do is simply make an appointment online and one of our physiotherapists will come over at the time that suits you best!

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